Werdervision Blitz Song Contest #15

Platz User Interpret Song Punkte
1 Svartur Torul Try 115
2 schlö Linea Aspera Synapse 94
3 BOWLINGEFO America A Horse With No Name 77
4 Berliner69 Bachman & Turner Ain't Seen Nothin' Yet 75
5 RoyKeane The Mighty Mighty Bosstones The Rascal King 69
6 grantler_97 The Kings of Connaught The Rocky Road to Dublin 69
7 oglutz Old Salt Union Where I Stand 68
8 Cyril Sneer The Burden of Atlas Faded 66
9 Oberfrankenwerderanerin Hard-Fi Feels Good 53
10 andy0606 Purple Disco Machine Body Funk 38
11 kymbrium The Midnight Ghost Train Gladstone 33
12 Werderphilipp96 Eizbrand Konfetti 26
13 Xaryna Wolfram Lucrezia Borgia 25
14 opalo Uwe Ungerer (4-6 stg. Männerchor a capella) Biergartenabstandsregeln 4